Back in December 2022, on a little bit of a whim I decided to submit a design for a floral installation for Chelsea Flower Show. You could choose between decorating a lamp post or creating an installation in an oil drum. I choose the oil drum. Then in March I found out I’d been chosen, which was very exciting. So I starting practising my design and creating the willow framework. The big day came round very quickly and it was incredible to be setting up at Chelsea and see all the behind the scenes action – it was a little chaotic! I was astonished to receive a silver gilt medal – couldn’t believe it!
If you’d like to hear all about my experience I talk about it with Roz on her Cut Flower podcast
My design was inspired by my flower farm and what can be achieved with British flowers and sustainable mechanics. Starting from the soil that I have improved with organic matter to feed the worms and flowers up through the organically shaped woven willow framework It will showcase the beautiful delicate flowers I grow. Being gentle on the planet and not using any pesticides is important and an integral part of why I grow flowers, this will be represented by insects made from natural materials dotted around the design. The willow frame shows what can be achieved with natural materials, I left some visible to inspire others to try similar. The organic shape represents my environmentally friendly approach to flower farming and my journey growing as a florist and farmer, the pleasure it gives me and the joyful impact it has on my soul. The flowers and foliage were the best available at that point in the season. I grow a wide range of annuals, biennials, perennials and foliage and it is a delight to choose from these to create a display, I hope that viewers notice my flowers most of all. I used some flowers in bud or seedheads to show the progression of the seasons and lifecycles of the plants and the interest found in all stages of growth. I hope to inspire people to try growing flowers for cutting and to buy British flowers and try new ways to arrange them.